Saturday, 24 January 2009


My mum sent me food. I love it.
I haven't really been eating healthy stuff lately... seeing as I mainly eat noodles, tomato sauce and toast. So I complained to my mum about it ^^ and she sent me the most gorgeous steak I've ever had in my life. It was glorious. It was. Amazing. I haven't eaten meat much lately either so I'd been craving one of those gloriously tasty steaks for a while now. Mmmh.
Headache is subsiding, which is good.
I slept until 3pm today.
I got an e-mail from my sister today and she's all good :) yay.

Right. Off to the Taverne zum güldenen Bären, where my friends are waiting for me.
That's right, I have friends. 3.

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